Friday 15 April 2016

Task 4C - First draft of questions

The initial question that popped into my mind when considering the transition from practitioner to teacher was,

 “Does being a talented performer necessarily make you a good teacher?”

With this in mind I thought about my existing skills and those that I would need to develop, what makes a good teacher, what makes a bad teacher and my vision of the type of teacher I aspire to be.

Most of the questions that I raised were very wide ranging with too many potential responses so I decided that I needed to be more specific and hone down the field of inquiry to provide a database that would be more useful when conducting the research during Module 3.

These are the first set of questions to which I will seek feedback from my SIG group and colleagues. Based upon the feedback I receive I will then adapt them to ensure that I cover all necessary areas and phrase the questions so there is no ambiguity when consulting the final focus group.

·         Which route did you follow to become a teacher? Traditional – B(Ed), PGCE. Alternative – Schools Direct, Teach First, Other.

·         Did you enjoy this route?

·         What made you decide to teach?

·         What makes a good drama teacher?

·         Is there a difference between teaching an academic subject and teaching an arts subject? How?

·         Does having a degree mean you are more qualified for the job?

·         What is more desirable, experience or a degree?

·         Does having more experience within the performance industry mean you will be more respected as an arts teacher?

·         Do all performers go into teaching?

·         Should performers give up performing when they start teaching? Why?

·         What preparation would you ideally have done in order to prepare for the transition? Any advice to those wishing to do so?

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