Friday 30 December 2016

The DOTS Model

The ‘DOTS Model’ was a theory originally developed by Bill Law and Tony Watts (1977/1996). It is a 4 stage model of career planning, however this doesn’t seem to be a logical order to achieve the aims of career planning.

D:  Decision Learning
O:  Opportunity Awareness
T:  Transition Learning
S:  Self Awareness

Before embarking on the ‘DOTS Model’, there are 3 main points you need to consider:

You need to raise you self-awareness. Think about your interests? Abilities? Motivation?

Once you have done this, take the information and consider what opportunities are available to you. Create a short list of possible options of jobs in the field you want to move into and that interests you.

Based upon this list, you need to consider whether you have the right experience and necessary qualifications or whether you need to return to education.

Even though the ‘DOTS Model’ has a lovely ring to it, unfortunately, it isn’t the most logical order. A more sensible sequence would be SODT.

S:  Self Awareness
O:  Opportunity Awareness

D:  Decision Learning
T:  Transition Learning

Self: Self-Assessment is crucial. This step is usually overlooked step in planning for a new career. It is important to know who you are as a person before you can look for suitable jobs. You need to consider your interests, skills and personal qualities.

Opportunities: Having completed the ‘Self-Assessment’ stage. It is now time for the next part of the process. Researching different careers and the opportunities with that field.

Career Exploration and Decision Making: You may need to gain some work experience in that field, either by shadowing or voluntary activities. Ensure you have undertaken a sufficient amount of research, use local libraries, careers fairs before making a final decision. Self-awareness, occupational awareness and instinct can all play a part in your decision-making.

Transition: Lastly, how will you achieve your goal? For example, understanding how the recruitment process works for the career you are interested in. This will give you the best chance of promoting yourself through applications, interviews and at assessment centres.

Let me simplify it!!!


Self Awareness  arrow pointing to next text, display purposes only  Who am I?


Opportunity Awareness   arrow pointing to next text, display purposes only   Where am I?


Decision Making  arrow pointing to next text, display purposes only   What will I do?


Transition Skills   arrow pointing to next text, display purposes only   Where will I do it?

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