Sunday 1 November 2015

Helpful Hint

I have never kept a diary or a journal before, not even as a child, so the idea of coming home to write about my day was a daunting experience. The only occasion where I have ever recorded the day’s events was when I went travelling around America and wrote an email to my parents informing them of my daily activities and even that only lasted one week.
After reading a post on Sophie Donald’s blog in which she talked about how a series of questions can help you to write about important events in the day. This gave me a structure to work within and helped me reflect more effectively upon what I have achieved and learnt.


  1. Really glad this has helped you in the same way it helped me! I struggle with writing about my day so having a structure is just what I needed!

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  3. It was so helpful!!! I had to let others know, thank you again!
